Free Dating Service York Maine

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We love good stories about It’s Just Lunch. The more singles who know about us, the more opportunities we have to create great matches.

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Free Dating Service York Maine is a 100% free online dating site for singles. Our site offers free online dating, photo personals, match making and singles.

'It plans everything, down to when and where you meet. What happens: Once staff members find a good match, they'll tell you about your date, coordinate your schedules, and select a nice spot for lunch or drinks. You take it from there.'

“… It's Just Lunch does its part by eliminating faked photos, guesswork and even invitations. All they have to do is show up and have a good time.”

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'… A dating service is trying to revolutionize the blind date. It’s Just Lunch offers clients a chance to get acquainted over lunch. The firm does all the work, making reservations, clearing the matches with customers. All couples have to do is show up.'